Category: diary

Anti-protest rhetoric of the PLA

This post from Thursday’s LTN (自由時報 08.15.19) reports that the PLA has moved within 10 minutes of HK and called Hong Kong protesters 「港毒分子」(HK poisoners) and 「秋後的螞蚱」(post-Autumn grasshoppers) on Weibo. The former is a corruption of 「港獨分子」(HK independence supporters) but the latter is a saying used to describe something/someone that is ephemeral, as in ‘wont…

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Changsha ACCL 2019

Probably write this up at some point but until then these are my notes: Changsha airport late night arrival again; bus to city center, then taxi to: Staggering number of hotels (brothels?) along road 楓林賓館 hotel w/lobby full of cheap cigarette smoke odor 1st day conference mildly interesting*heard a panel on senses/affect in Chinese lit.…

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Understanding Chinese SF

A good bit has already been written on understanding China through its science fiction, but here’s an informative post that gives a “brief history of Chinese science fiction magazines” (GB Chinese) as well.

Words don’t do what I want them to

When I sat down to read this post “Against the New Vitalism” I was momentarily dazed by the opening paragraph: Words are material; they matter. Words are material that matter.1 “Words,” Virginia Woolf reminds us, are “stored with meanings, with memories.”2 Words are historical, and words are relational. Words are living, and words are alive. This…

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