Month: November 2019


The barstool’s capacious, then ever more enclosed, with every beer, as evening erodes. A few capricious tourists off the cozy track propose unbeaten toasts. He’ll soon be going back. Mannequin musicians play mandolins or thumb pianos, bleat out a reggae air on ragged banjos. The booths patter with the local lingo. Smattered English polishes the…

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Schweighauser: “Who’s Afraid of Dystopia? William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Fredric Jameson~” •Utopia and Science Fiction

Schweighauser: “Who’s Afraid of Dystopia? William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Fredric Jameson~” •Utopia and Science Fiction “Unlike earlier dystopian narratives, cyberpunk invites us not only to accept the current socioeconomic order but to derive pleasure from what Jameson now diagnoses as an empty, lawless social space emerging out of the displacement of civil society – here…

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