Month: July 2019

Their ancestors were slain a century ago along the US-Mexico border. They say now is the time to retell the horror This is a bizarre dive into an easily misunderstood scenario

Chen Qiufan Links / 网路上的陈楸帆 (ongoing)

Just some Chen links that are worth noting: Gary K Wolfe reviews The Waste Tide for Locus Magazine “Staying sensitive in the crowd” (Ken Liu interview) “何平访谈陈楸帆 :它是面向未来的一种文学” (He Ping interview) “陈楸帆:科幻是最大的现实主义” (commentary w/Hu Yong interview) His non-fiction works to 2013 (from old blog) Magazine of SF and Fantasy: “Chen Qiufan on ‘The Year of…

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新浪微博上的“薄熙来” | 自由微博

新浪微博上的“薄熙来” | 自由微博 维基百科:薄熙来(1949年7月3日-),中国政治人物,中国共产党前副国级领导人。山西省定襄县人,生于北平市,中共元老薄一波次子。中共第十六、十七届中央委员,第十七届中央政治局委员,2012年9月被开除党籍。 薄熙来历任大连市市长、中共大连市委书记…