Day: March 1, 2018

Mail2000 or Joe Gmail?

Ever since I came back to Taiwan (ca. 2004) all the universities I’ve worked at use the same terrible, shitty webmail software called Mail2000. The thing is a monstrosity, impossible to configure with Thunderbird or iOS or any one of the gazillion email client apps I’ve tried to use with it. It’s 100% “web mail,”…

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Lin Mosei and Lin Tsung-yi

Lin Mosei (林茂生), a student of John Dewey in the US, was a prominent educator and philosopher in the 1930-40s. Today United Daily News ran a very interesting article about him and his son, Lin Tsung-yi (林宗義)–the activist and first fully trained neuropsychiatrist in Taiwan (he was also founder and head of the Psychiatry Dept.…

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