“Atop the perfect, cream-white body was another face, an old face, a wicked face, a face with Mongoloid features.”
“Atop the perfect, cream-white body was another face, an old face, a wicked face, a face with Mongoloid features.”
when magazines were really colorful…
https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fia800500.us.archive.org%2F11%2Fitems%2FWeirdTalesVolume28Number02%2FWeirdTalesVolume28Number02.pdf&t=YjQzOGZlN2M4NWI3ODU3MTI0YTUyNWQ2YzI4NTA5NzQxNjQyY2JlNCwwMjhlMjNjNzQwMjY1ODg5MTM3ZWJhODUwYWFlMjAxMGVkNGY1MDFj Weird Tales, Sept 1936
Scans of “Weird Tales” issues containing Lovecraft’s stories
Scans of “Weird Tales” issues containing Lovecraft’s stories This is awesome. View scans of issues of WEIRD TALES containing Lovecraft’s stories and letters to the editor. This comes straight from SFFaudio… they did great work on this!