「馬克思是對的」,中共向千禧一代灌輸「正統」思想 儲百亮 2018年5月7日 視播出的對話節目《馬克思是對的》得到廣泛宣傳。中共正努力爭取年輕一代,呼籲重新致力於共產主義信條,試圖在日益複雜的社會中重申共產黨的主導地位。
「馬克思是對的」,中共向千禧一代灌輸「正統」思想 儲百亮 2018年5月7日 視播出的對話節目《馬克思是對的》得到廣泛宣傳。中共正努力爭取年輕一代,呼籲重新致力於共產主義信條,試圖在日益複雜的社會中重申共產黨的主導地位。
《马克思是对的》 第一集 你好 马克思(完整版) | CCTV Apr 28, 2018 (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Pop Culture’s Great Awokening The term she grabbed onto was one that had been around for a while, and had made its way from black culture to the New York Times. “Woke,” for Perry’s purposes, seemed to mean something along the lines of sensitive to the experiences of racial, cultural, sexual, and gender identities besides…