Tag: the weird

Weird Japanese films – IMDb

Weird Japanese films – IMDb Very comprehensive list, but doesn’t include so-called “gore” films (e.g., Machine Girl), which he put on a separate list. Oddly enough neither has the classic Naked Blood (1996).

Eugene Thacker – Weird, Eerie, and Monstrous: A Review of “The Weird and the Eerie” by Mark Fisher

Eugene Thacker – Weird, Eerie, and Monstrous: A Review of “The Weird and the Eerie” by Mark Fisher Fisher’s interest in Lovecraft stems from this shift in perspective from the human-centric to the nonhuman-oriented – not simply a psychology of “fear,” but the unnerving, impersonal calm of the weird and eerie. As scholars of the…

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H.P. Lovecraft : SFFaudio

H.P. Lovecraft : SFFaudio The SFFaudio Podcast #473 – Jesse, Paul Weimer, Mr Jim Moon, Marissa Vu, Bryan Alexander, and Julie Hoverson discuss “The Shadow Out Of Time” by H.P. Lovecraft


Hypnogoria Random scribblings from Mr Jim Moon. Ramblings on the films, TV, and literature consumed while he really should have been working…

Dark Media

Dark Media The key to weird media is that it reveals apophatic visions. Surveillance infrastructure, 404’s and even non-human cameras are all describable, all real, all translatable within the limitations of their media. Thacker says that with weird media ‘all objects inevitably withdraw into things.’ Through weird media, objects are revealed for their ’thinginess.’ This…

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