Tag: technology

CFP: What is Technology?

 deadline for submissions: December 21, 2018 Janet Wasko / University of Oregon  WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY? UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PORTLANDAPRIL 11–13, 2019 What is Technology? will examine interactions and transactions among (1) practical arts and tools, (2) techniques and processes, (3) moral knowledge and imagination, to navigate our everchanging media/life/universe. In a broad sense, technology can…

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‘The Compassion-Passion Machine’

‘The Compassion-Passion Machine’ Discussed: Womb Twins, An Affection for Shiny Things, Shared Identities, Circus-Contortionist Grandmothers, Dutch Jungians, The Technological Scarring of the Real World, A Futuristic Darth Vader Feel, Michael Stipe