Tag: philosophy

李澤厚與80年代中國思想界 – 民初思韻

李澤厚與80年代中國思想界 – 民初思韻 杜維明:在“五四”的時候,因為亡國滅種的憂慮,所以要救亡。今天面臨的是道德淪喪、市場社會,跟那時候所講的確實有語境的不同。另外,關于楊煦生講的內在精神性建立的問題,韋伯講得很深刻,韋伯一生考慮最多的就是宗教問題,尤其是宗教在現實政治經濟中的問題。但是,他自己承認對宗教他是“音盲”。可是我認為他有強烈的終極關懷,有強烈的精神素質。可是他的精神性和終極關懷是隱性的,外人不易察覺。      為什么我現在認為“救亡唯一的道路就是現代西方的啟蒙”大有問題,應該說有兩大問題:第一個是終極關懷問題。馬克思主義不強調修身哲學。我認為馮契最大的貢獻之一是“智慧說”,就是把儒家的修身哲學和馬克思的社會實踐結合在一起。我所考慮的問題,不是有組織形式的宗教,而是指宗教性、精神性追求。另外一個問題就是認同問題。我是誰?我們是誰?今天族群、語言、地域、文化的矛盾與沖突常常都與認同有關。可是現代西方的啟蒙心態對宗教和認同問題的了解很不夠。

Parrhesia, Vol 27 (pdf)

Parrhesia, Vol 27 (pdf) whole issue of this wonderful journal, including: “Abundance – of Critique” by Penelope Deutscher “Forgiveness: A Work of Love” by John Lippitt “What is Philosophy as a Way of Life?” by John Sellars

Subscendence – Timothy Morton

Subscendence – Timothy Morton “Wholes subscend their parts, which means that parts are not just mechanical components of wholes, and that there can be genuine surprise and novelty in the world, that a different future is always possible. It is good to regard things such as capitalism as physical beings, not simply as fictions that…

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A Critical Analysis of Neural Buddhism’s Explanation of Moral Transformation

A Critical Analysis of Neural Buddhism’s Explanation of Moral Transformation author cites Owen Flanagan, author of The Bodhisattva’s Brain: I have offered an analysis of eudaimonia Buddha. Eudaimonia—flourishing, or happy flourishing, or happiness and flourishing, or more likely flourishing that often or usually leads to some sort of happiness of a serene sort—involves reaching a…

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