Tag: nationalism

The Thin Red Line of China’s National Feelings via Reddit (As others point out, great infographic idea but poorly researched/executed).


《戰狼2》呈現了怎樣的中國想像? 很多人說《戰狼2》模仿複製了好萊塢英雄電影的套路,但是我覺得不僅如此,重點在於模仿的是很老舊的好萊塢英雄電影套路。在國家意識形態上,自然無所謂新舊,然而,西方在當代多元文化主義與政治正確的風潮下,其實任何的文化生產套路都進行了許多的自我更新與修正,好比說,雖然復仇者聯盟裡頭最重要的角色都還是白人(男性),但始終會安插些黑人在旁協力、或者也會提高女性角色比例,另外神力女超人還會找個猶太裔演員來演等等。簡言之,對照來看,在《戰狼2》中,我看到的是一個完全沒有歷經上述修正(或包裝)的純粹的英雄電影。

Flag-waving Chinese blockbuster Wolf Warriors 2 smashes cinema records

Flag-waving Chinese blockbuster Wolf Warriors 2 smashes cinema records A flag-waving Chinese action film depicting the country’s soldiers saving war-ravaged Africans from western baddies has become China’s all-time top box-office earner, headlining a summer of patriotic cinematic fare. The wildly popular Wolf Warriors 2 boasts the ominous tagline “whoever offends China will be hunted down…

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