Jintian《今天》 闻一多的生态诗观与中国诗歌的现代性
Jintian《今天》 闻一多的生态诗观与中国诗歌的现代性
MSIA Network | Modernist Studies in Asia Network | About Will submit a proposal to annual conference, looks interesting this year…
Bloomsburied in China “…The house of fiction has a million windows, Henry James wrote, but in China, the windows have long been shaded by the Writers’ Union, the literary agents of the Communist government. We begin to see more through these windows than just sexually liberated Chinese nymphets romping with Westerners in the bedroom, as…
New Modernist Studies: What’s Left of Political Formalism? | the minnesota review | Duke University Press Critique of the NMS with rebuttal from Puchner here: NMS a Response [too bad our library doesn’t subscribe] 🙁
PMLA The New Modernist Studies (2008) Important discussion of changes in the way Modernism is being studied around the world today.
Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathanael West .epub | ,mobi
Publ. 1919 || Full text || One of the most influential works of 20th century criticism.