Weird Japanese films – IMDb Very comprehensive list, but doesn’t include so-called “gore” films (e.g., Machine Girl), which he put on a separate list. Oddly enough neither has the classic Naked Blood (1996).
Weird Japanese films – IMDb Very comprehensive list, but doesn’t include so-called “gore” films (e.g., Machine Girl), which he put on a separate list. Oddly enough neither has the classic Naked Blood (1996).
Lessons of Darkness: Cure (1997) Kyoshi Kurosawa’s Cure, made in 1997 but released in the US in 2001, is – with the possible exception of Takashi Miike’s chilling Audition – the single best horror film I’ve seen this century. Kurosawa (who’s not related to that other Japanese filmmaker), is a genre specialist, and he instills…
Director Kiyoshi Kurosawa Talks Horror and Facing Fear | Movies & TV Director Kiyoshi Kurosawa first made a name for himself internationally during the J-horror renaissance that began in the late 90s…
– review of the film Tokyo Family (2013) Tokyo Family (東京家族) is without a doubt one of the best Japanese movies I’ve seen in the last few months. The film is director Yamada Yoji’s (山田洋次) re-telling of and tribute to an earlier world cinema masterpiece, Yasujirō Ozu’s (小津安二郎) 1953 classic Tokyo Story (東京物語). Like it’s…