Not afraid of ghosts: stories of the spectral in modern Chines fiction Imbach, Jessica Elizabeth (2017)
Not afraid of ghosts: stories of the spectral in modern Chines fiction Imbach, Jessica Elizabeth (2017)
Mo PTT 鄉公所 :鬼怪、超自然 Taiwan horrors…ok?
A closer look at the historic Keelung Ghost Festival The China Post August 17, 2016 Fifteen family clan associations rotate sponsorship of the event, which has been sponsored by civil organizations since 1856. It is the biggest worshiping rite to pay respects to deceased ancestors by offering sacrifices in Taiwan. People believe this is all…
鬼月禁忌/目蓮救母與普渡、鬼月之名的由來 * 016年8月3日 「鬼月」 …是從「目蓮救母」這樣一個具有教孝的正面故事開始的。 「目蓮救母」的故事是講述佛陀弟子目蓮尊者,在世時 因想念過世的母親,曾用神通看到母親因在世時貪念業報,死後墮落在惡鬼道過著吃不飽穿不暖的生活,並且在地獄裡受著苦刑,便心生救母之心,用他的神力化生 食物想給母親充饑,但是目蓮的母親因不改貪念,見到食物就深怕被其他惡鬼搶食,遂受到佛陀懲罰,飯到口中就立刻變成火炭,不得下嚥。 目蓮看到母親受苦受難,雖有他有神通,卻救不了母 親,感到十分痛苦,懇求佛陀告訴他解救母親的方法。佛陀說:「你的母親生前罪孽深重,非你一人之力可以化解,必須仰賴十方僧眾,於七月十五日(農曆)備百 味五果共同祭祀,方能解救。」於是目蓮就舉行法會,誦經施食,終得解救母親的靈魂。
China’s ghost weddings and why they can be deadly – BBC News Their investigation led them to uncover a grisly sequence of events in which the man, named only as Ma, allegedly promised the women he would find them grooms but instead killed them so he could sell their corpses.