Tag: femme fatale

Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/From “Passionate Attachments” to Dis-Identification/Lacan Dot Com

Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/From “Passionate Attachments” to Dis-Identification/Lacan Dot Com According to standard feminist cinema theory, in the classical noir, the femme fatale is punished at the level of the explicit narrative line. She is destroyed for being assertive and undermining the male patriarchal dominance and for presenting a threat to it. Although she is destroyed or…

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Sexual Personae

“The femme fatale is one of the most mesmerizing of sexual personae. She is not a fiction but an extrapolation of biologic realities in women that remain constant. The North American Indian myth of the toothed vagina {vagina dentata) is a gruesomely direct transcription of female power and male fear. Metaphorically, every vagina has secret…

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