Tag: chinese poetry


李清照詞全集 點絳唇   蹴罷鞦韆,起來慵整纖纖手。  露濃花瘦,薄汗輕衣透。  見客入來,襪鏟金釵溜, 和羞走。 倚門回首,卻把青梅嗅。    (此首一作無名氏詞,見《花草粹編》卷一)

Translations from Chinese (Rexroth)

Translations from Chinese (Rexroth) TRAVELING IN THE MOUNTAINS Traveling homesick with the West wind, The dust of my cart rises to the evening clouds. The last cicadas drone in the yellowing leaves. In the sunset a man’s shadow looms like a mountain. One by one the birds go to roost. I wander aimlessly and never…

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