Tag: authors

Yan Lianke Illuminates Contemporary China

Yan Lianke Illuminates Contemporary China “Near the beginning of James Joyce’s 1922 novel Ulysses, Stephen Dedalus famously compares history to a nightmare. It was also in 1922 that Lu Xun penned the preface to his first short-story collection, Call to Arms (published in 1923), in which he asks whether he should try to use his…

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Barth Meets Borges in the Funhouse

Barth Meets Borges in the Funhouse “It was about this time when I carne across the writings of the great Argentine Jorge Luis Borges, whose temper was so wedded to the short story form, that like Chekhov, he never wrote a novel, and whose unorthodox brilliance transformed the short story form. Writers Iearn from the…

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