Marijuana-Uses » Blog Archive » Mr. X by Carl Sagan Carl Sagan smoked weed
Marijuana-Uses » Blog Archive » Mr. X by Carl Sagan Carl Sagan smoked weed
Do not watch “Hi Stranger” while high buzzing in the age of trigger warnings
Like green eggs and ham: Unlike Bill Clinton, Barack Obama never tried to say he didn’t inhale. In his 1995 memoir “Dreams of My Father,” Obama writes about smoking pot almost like Dr. Seuss wrote about eating green eggs and ham. As a high school kid, Obama wrote, he would smoke “in a white classmate’s…
An American Suicide Jolts Taiwan Geez, real horror story… Upon hearing his sentence through an interpreter, Marhanka appeared incredulous and was heard repeating, “Four years?” – to which the interpreter answered that he could appeal the sentence if he wished to. Marhanka said he didn’t want to, while becoming more and more agitated as the…