The Mao Ghost – Lightspeed Magazine MAR. 2014 (ISSUE 46) Chen Qiufan
The Mao Ghost – Lightspeed Magazine MAR. 2014 (ISSUE 46) Chen Qiufan
《甯川洞记》_华为终情局首届科幻超短篇小说创作大赛_青蜜 Chen Qiufan SF short story, written in classical Chinese and winner of Taiwan’s “Young Dragon” Award.
Valentine’s Day Xia Jia is easily the prettiest SF writer I’ve ever read. ~MOAR
Ted Chiang’s Soulful Science Fiction Chiang is now forty-nine, with streaks of gray in his ponytail. He started writing science fiction in high school. Since then, he has published fourteen short stories and a novella. By this means, he has become one of the most influential science-fiction writers of his generation. He has won twenty-seven…
陳楸帆——《麗江的魚兒們》 “The Fish of Lijiang” by Chen Qiufan (陳楸帆): 4 stars, cool story. Liked his “Year of the Rat” better but this one is very good also.