Category: Pynchon

Pynchon and Entropy

It’s no secret, I’m working on another Thomas Pynchon paper and it has to do with entropy as a trope for anxieties about modernism. “Thomas Pynchon, Newton’s Second Law, and Entropy” came up in my googles and I’m posting it here for future reference. If you’re interested, this post is the place to begin; followed…

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Iuli on “cybernetic aesthetics” in CoL49

Transatlantic Sixties (2013): “In his first novel, The Crying of Lot 49 (1966), trope of entropy, a crucial concept in Shannon’s Mathematical Theory of Communication and in Second Order cybernetics, provides the ground for questioning theories of communication, meaning production and actualization, and technologies of memory” (Iuli 246) Ehem…The Crying of Lot 49 was not…

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