Category: diary

Formosan shipwrecks, headhunters, and pirates…

I’ve recently gotten back into Taiwan’s history of shipwrecks, savages, and pirates, perhaps because I’ve lately also been reading a lot of Conan novellas. The most famous shipwreck involved the Rover, an American merchant vessel that ran aground near Eluanbi (southern tip of island) in 1867. The ship didn’t quite sink after hitting a coral reef…

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MOST Crap, pt 2

{*MOST unwelcome news, pt 1*} Frustrationwise and in terms of raw busy, this has been the worst weekend of my entire semester. Application deadline for MOST (Ministry of Sci & Tech) grants is once again near, so had to finish that up and try for my Ethical Researcher Scout badge from them. This involves reading…

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Fall Semester 2018 Beginneth

09-20-2018 Today’s interviews to hire 2 ‘Full-time Lecturers’ for the Language Center went smoothely. I’d say the candidates all did a good job of demo-teaching some scenarios I came up with beforehand, but since this was a College-level jiaoping hui I wasn’t actually on the committee, just invited in a non-voting capacity. The other members,…

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