Category: 中国科幻

Oobmab and other Weirdnesses

So I found a clean version of Oobmab’s “The Flock of Ba-hui” in (GB) Chinese (「巴虺的牧群」2013). The source is a very interesting Fantasy dojinshi and translation discussion forum called “The Ring of Wonder” (which looks completely different in its mobile format btw). There are many other works of HPL-inspired horror available on their Cthulhu board and, interestingly,…

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Chinese SF authors and the Anti-Spiritual Pollution Campaign (ASPC)

Both Ye Yonglie (葉永烈) and Zheng Wenguang (鄭文光) were “struggled” during the ASPC of the 1980s. Zheng was a Vietnamese astronomer and emigre SF author of “Pacific Ocean Man” 《太平洋人》 and Mirror Image of the Earth 《地球的鏡像》– the latter of which is about aliens who have developed an interest in the Cultural Revolution. Meanwhile Ye was…

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Chen Qiufan Links / 网路上的陈楸帆 (ongoing)

Just some Chen links that are worth noting: Gary K Wolfe reviews The Waste Tide for Locus Magazine “Staying sensitive in the crowd” (Ken Liu interview) “何平访谈陈楸帆 :它是面向未来的一种文学” (He Ping interview) “陈楸帆:科幻是最大的现实主义” (commentary w/Hu Yong interview) His non-fiction works to 2013 (from old blog) Magazine of SF and Fantasy: “Chen Qiufan on ‘The Year of…

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