Day: March 22, 2020

deephouseforlesbians: “A fifth-century Buddhist treatise, the Visuddhimagga, or The Path to Purity, illustrates the same doctrine with the same figure: “Strictly speaking, the life of a being lasts as long as an idea. Just as a rolling carriage wheel touches earth at only one point, so life lasts as long as a single idea” (Rad­hakrishnan,…

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中国鬼故事? #6. 2009重庆红衣男孩   54岁的农民工匡纪绿从江北赶回巴南区东泉镇双星村高石坎,为上住读的儿子送钱。家里正门、侧门紧闭,平时从来不开的后门却虚掩着。从后门进去,眼前一幕让他大惊失色:儿子身穿红色的花裙子,双手、双脚被绳子结结实实地捆着,脚上还吊着一个大秤砣,双手被挂在屋梁上,早已死亡。 凶手先把男孩制服,给他穿上锁魂红衣,系上坠魂砣,这就是留魂。再把男孩杀死,并用分魂针插入他的头顶,这是泻魂,估计凶手应该带有装魂魄之类的道术法宝,比如葫芦,盒子之类的装魂之物。最后再挂在梁上,因为按道术的说法,魂魄是不可能完全取净的,所以必须让他离开地面(离土),挂在梁上是因为木代表生命,有引魂的效果,这样才能把孩子的魂魄取净!  2009年11月5日中午12时许,54岁的农民工匡纪绿从江北赶回巴南区东泉镇双星村高石坎,为给住读的儿子送钱。家里正门、侧门紧闭,平时从来不开的后门却虚掩着。从后门进去,眼前一幕让他大惊失色:儿子身穿红色的花裙子,双手、双脚被绳子结结实实地捆着,脚上还吊着一个大秤砣,双手被挂在屋梁上,早已死亡。

sonabrot: If we just tell people the facts, since people are basically rational beings, they’ll all reach the right conclusions. But we know from cognitive science that people do not think like that. People think in frames…To be accepted, the truth must fit people’s frames. If the facts do not fit a frame, the frame…

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