Day: December 17, 2019

This month, as every month, the 1,508,000 copies of terror magazines, known to the trade as the shudder group, will be sold throughout the nation… They will contain enough illustrated sex perversion to give Krafft-Ebing the unholy jitters.[3] Bruce Henry, The American Mercury, April 1938; quoted in Jones, The Shudder Pulps, pp. 138–39. [see wikipedia…

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Sunday Reading: The Allure of Science Fiction

Sunday Reading: The Allure of Science Fiction In the mid-seventies, when the screenwriter and director George Lucas was attempting to sell movie studios an idea he had about a space odyssey, even his friends thought the concept was a bit far-fetched. “What’s this thing called a Wookiee?” a fellow-screenwriter recalled Lucas’s friends wondering. “What’s a…

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