Day: March 16, 2019

Hu Shih and Chinese Philosophy

Hu Shih and Chinese Philosophy “The second reason Pragmatism was most influential is because it was the guiding philosophy of the Intellectual Renaissance which Hu started in 1917. The literary revolution in which he and his fellow rebels freed Chinese thought from the bondage of the classical style and created a new literature of the…

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剑桥分析、大数据和中国 “作为中国群众监控系统的研究者,对于数据行销公司剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)的劣行被揭发,以及关于脸书隐私政策的辩论,我特别感兴趣。许多方面看来,中国让大家了解到收集数据而缺乏监督的危险──美国或任何其他国家都不该步其后尘。”