Month: October 2018

The wound can have (should only have) just one proper name. I recognize that I love — you — by this: you leave in me a wound I do not want to replace. Jacques Derrida (trans. Alan Bass), The Postcard: from Socrates to Freud and Beyond (via mothwood)

Guide them with policies and align them with punishments and the people will evade them and have no shame. Guide them with virtue and align them with li and the people will have a sense of shame and fulfill their roles. Confucius

the-chomsky-hash: “INT: Are there parallels aside from the master-slave relationship between the student as an excluded figure and the madman? And are there other “pariahs” defined and set by society in order to maintain its own rationality and cohesion? [cont’d] FOUCAULT [cont’d]: It seemed to me interesting to try to understand our society and civilization…

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‘The multitude of men consider gain to be the most important thing; pure scholars, fame; those who are wise and able value their ambition; the sage prizes essential purity.’ Chuang Tzu (莊子)