Day: March 11, 2018

Ultra-Real China – BLARB

Ultra-Real China – BLARB Personally, I think “hyper-fantasy” is a better translation for chaohuan/超幻: Beijing writer Ning Ken devised the term chaohuan (the “ultra-unreal”) to describe a long-emerging genre adopted by some of the country’s best writers. “The more true to reality fiction is these days, the more avant-garde it will seem,” Ning observed in…

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only a dust-enfluffed USB fan

Here in this study (my office at home) a lot lately so it’s often filled with potsmoke and the smell of linseed oil: started painting a little bit the other day, finally, though not sure if I’ll have time to keep producing my abstract post-conceptual expressionist masterbits in oil and spit. Whatever happens, definitely need…

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