Day: January 20, 2018

kerfuffle (n.)

Synonyms of kerfuffle ado, alarums and excursions, ballyhoo, blather, bluster, bobbery, bother, bustle, clatter, clutter [chiefly dialect], coil, corroboree [Australian], disturbance, do [chiefly dialect], foofaraw, fun, furor, furore, fuss, helter-skelter, hoo-ha (also hoo-hah), hoopla, hubble-bubble, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly, hurly-burly, hurricane, hurry, hurry-scurry (or hurry-skurry), commotion [chiefly British], moil, pandemonium, pother, row, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, shindy,…

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