Day: August 18, 2017

反玉山計畫 學者退席教部諮詢會 資源集中少數 恐擴大薪資差距

反玉山計畫 學者退席教部諮詢會 資源集中少數 恐擴大薪資差距 輔仁大學社會學系教授戴伯芬則直言,目前大學內教師的薪資差距最高已經差到七倍,少數坐領高薪的教授如同「學霸」佔據資源,另一端卻是非典雇用的專案教師和找不到工作的流浪教師,而「玉山計畫」只會惡化這樣的現象。戴伯芬認為,教育部應重視年輕學者的工作機會,「留才是留住這些人,把教育資源給他們」,否則學界將後繼無人。

Flag-waving Chinese blockbuster Wolf Warriors 2 smashes cinema records

Flag-waving Chinese blockbuster Wolf Warriors 2 smashes cinema records A flag-waving Chinese action film depicting the country’s soldiers saving war-ravaged Africans from western baddies has become China’s all-time top box-office earner, headlining a summer of patriotic cinematic fare. The wildly popular Wolf Warriors 2 boasts the ominous tagline “whoever offends China will be hunted down…

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Neo-Nazis Expose the Internet’s Big Weakness

Neo-Nazis Expose the Internet’s Big Weakness Prince recommends that a legal framework be established for content restrictions, so that censorship decisions aren’t dominated by a handful of providers. This might make sense in an ideal world, but we should bear in mind that Donald Trump is president before suggesting that the government set rules for…

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