Typhoon turbine could power Japan for 50 yrs
Typhoon turbine could power Japan for 50 yrs
Maid cafe opens up in China where customers are spoon-fed their food by costumed schoolgirls September 28, 2016 Maid cafes are incredibly popular in Japan and sees waitresses dressed in maid costumes.They act as the customers’ servants and treat their masters to anything including being hand fed. According to news.163.com, the restaurant has brought in…
Inside the Life of China’s Most Famous Actress Aug. 3, 2015 It was 2008 when Californian photographer Rian Dundon, while working as a freelance editorial photographer in Beijing, learned about an unexpected job opportunity: tutor Chinese actress and pop singer, Fan Bingbing. Fan is well accustomed to being in the spotlight since her teenage years.…
Death [is] no longer something that suddenly swoop[s] down on life — as in an epidemic. Death [is] now something permanent, something that slips into life, perpetually gnaws at it, diminishes it and weakens it. Foucault, “The Birth of Biopolitics.” (via barrrrrrs)
教授:低收入者合娶老婆 光棍问题可完全解决 中国新闻网 | 2015-10-24 23:33:00| 根据国家统计局发布的数据,2012年我国出生人口性别比下降到117.7。有媒体称,我国是出生人口性别比偏高最严重的国家,预计到2020年,我国将会出现大约3000万光棍。这将引发一系列的社会问题。 中国人民大学社会与人口学院教授杨菊华此前接受采访时曾表示:“出生人口性别比是一个全球性的问题,不论是中国,还是外国,基本的出生比应该是100个女孩相对应102个到107个男孩,出生的时候就是这个比例,这是世界性的,是漫长岁月中自然选择的结果。”